Full Coverage Auto Insurance: All you need to know

Having the best kind of Insurance for vehicles is essential. It protects the vehicle’s value if any accident, unpleasant damage, or theft occurs. People are always seen confused when finding coverage. The potential reasons behind this might be lack of knowledge and unavailability of reliable options.

Regarding auto insurance, the term “full coverage” is often used. Many people ask if full coverage auto insurance even exists. If you are one of those looking forward to this type of coverage, you are here at the right place. It is essential to understand what this term entails and if it is the right choice for you.

Full auto insurance coverage: Diving into the details

A full-coverage auto insurance policy combines both liability coverage and physical damage coverage.

What does full auto insurance coverage cover? 

Here is a breakdown of what full coverage typically covers:

Liability Coverage: Liability coverage is a fundamental component of vehicle insurance. State law generally requires it. It includes bodily injury and property damage that you might cause to others where you are at fault. Liability coverage has two parts:

  • Bodily Injury Liability: This covers medical expenses, rehabilitation, and sometimes even lost wages for the other party involved in the accident. It can also cover legal fees if you are sued in case of any accident.
  • Property Damage Liability: This covers the repair or replacement costs for damage to the other person’s property, such as their vehicle or a building.

Physical Damage Coverage: Physical damage coverage includes two main types of coverage:

  • Collision Coverage: This covers the repair cost to your vehicle if it is damaged in a collision with another vehicle/object. For example, if you accidentally hit another car or an object, like a light pole or tree, collision coverage would help.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: It is also named “other than collision” coverage. It protects your vehicle from a wide range of non-collision-related events. This can include theft, destruction, fire, natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes, falling objects (such as tree branches), and animal collisions.

Full auto insurance coverage: Diving into the details

Many people often need to know whether they should go for full coverage for their vehicles. Here are a few scenarios when getting it will be in your favour. 

  • Newer Vehicles: If you are driving a brand-new vehicle with a high market value, full coverage can help protect your investment.
  • Financed Vehicles: Many financing agreements require you to have full coverage insurance to for security purposes.
  • High-Risk Areas: If you live in an area prone to severe weather, high rates of theft, or high accident rates, full coverage can offer peace of mind.

Cheapest full coverage car insurance average rates by states

Name of state Avg. Rate per Year
Name of state Avg. Rate per Year
New Mexico
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Cheapest car insurance for college students
How do college students get insurance?

Getting affordable full coverage insurance for vehicle is important. It requires careful consideration of your needs and smart shopping strategies. Here are some tips to help you secure the full coverage auto insurance cheap:

Compare Multiple Quotes: 

Obtain quotes from several insurance companies. Several Online comparison tools can help streamline this process. Remember that the cheapest option may not provide the best value. You need to settle for one that offers value for money.

You can also inquire for cheap full coverage auto insurance with no down payment. This is especially for all those who have limited budget.

Bundle Policies: 

Many insurance companies offer discounts if you bundle multiple insurance policies. For example, one can bundle auto and homeowners insurance. Bundling can lead to significant savings. Therefore, explore this option if you have multiple insurance needs.

Maintaining a Good Driving Record: 

Every driver is suggested to maintain a good driving record. Safe driving can lead to lower insurance premiums. Avoid accidents and traffic violations; a clean driving record can qualify you for discounts. 

Drive less: 

If you have low annual mileage, you might qualify for a low-mileage discount. Some insurers offer usage-based insurance programs. In such programs, premium is based on how much you drive and how safely you drive.

Choose a Vehicle wisely: 

Before purchasing a vehicle, research its insurance costs. Vehicles with high safety ratings, lower theft rates, and reasonable repair costs generally have lower insurance premiums.

Consider a Defensive Driving Course: 

Completing a defensive driving course improve your driving skills. Along with this, it also qualifies you for discounts with some insurance companies.

Inquire for other Discounts: 

You can inquire about any available discounts. For example, safe driver discounts, good student discounts and deals for anti-theft devices, and discounts for safety features in your vehicle.

Avoid Lapses in Coverage: 

Maintain continuous insurance coverage, as having gaps in coverage can lead to higher rates. Insurance companies often view drivers with consistent coverage as less risky.

Ask About Membership Discounts: 

Some insurance companies offer discounts for members of specific organizations, clubs, or professional groups. Inquire about such options when obtaining quotes.

Getting cheap full coverage is a thing that everyone looks for. However, one needs to be very careful that the coverage completely protects yourself and your assets. Balancing affordability with the right coverage level is critical to making a wise insurance decision.

FAQs about Car Insurance for College Students

Can I lower the cost of full coverage auto insurance?

Yes! You can reduce the cost by considering higher deductibles, maintaining a clean driving record, bundling insurance policies, driving fewer miles, and taking advantage of available discounts.

How much does full coverage insurance cost?

Full coverage insurance cost varies based on certain factors. It may include your driving history, vehicle type, location, coverage limits, deductibles, and more. Obtaining full coverage auto insurance quotes from multiple companies is recommended to find the best rate. 

When to drop full coverage insurance for auto?

There are certain scenarios when you should consider dropping full coverage auto insurance. It is when your vehicle’s value is low and the cost of coverage outweighs potential payouts for repairs or replacement.

Is full coverage insurance the same for every insurer?

No, full coverage policies can vary between insurance companies. When comparing quotes, it is essential to carefully review policy details. One must careful check the coverage limits, deductibles, and all other features.

Does full coverage cover me when I drive someone else's car?

Full coverage usually extends to a borrowed car with the owner’s permission.  However, coverage might differ based on your policy terms.

Should I keep full coverage on an older vehicle?

The decision to keep full coverage on an older vehicle depends on its value and your financial situation. If the cost of coverage outweighs the vehicle’s value, consider reducing coverage or switching to liability-only Insurance. 

Do I need full coverage for an older vehicle?

It depends on the vehicle’s value and your financial situation. If the cost of full coverage exceeds the vehicle’s worth, consider liability coverage and other optional coverage.

Do I need full coverage on a financed car?

Yes, if your vehicle is financed, you likely need full coverage auto insurance as required by the lender.


In the vehicle insurance world, understanding full coverage insurance is a crucial step toward responsible vehicle ownership. Full coverage auto insurance is a combination encompassing liability coverage and physical damage protection. It guards against the unexpected events, offering financial security for accidents, collisions, theft, vandalism, and even acts of nature.

Despite not being mandatory by law, full coverage is often essential in specific scenarios. It is necessary for those with newer or valuable vehicles. It is also mandatory for leased or financed cars, and those living in areas prone to risks.

Remember, making informed choices regarding insurance coverage safeguards your assets and ensures peace of mind on the open road.